Packages & Pricings

Every business event, conference, or institutional gathering has its own unique energy, and we’re here to capture it in a way that truly reflects its purpose. Whether it’s a product launch, a networking event, or a company celebration, our photography and videography services ensure that the most important moments are preserved. Take a look at what we offer to find the best way to document your event.

Express Event Packages

Created for short events lasting 2 to 4 hours, these packages ensure quick and polished coverage. Whether it's a business meeting, a brand activation, or a private gathering, we capture key moments efficiently without compromising on quality.

Pro Event Packages

Designed for events running 4, 6, or 8 hours, these packages ensure smooth, professional coverage from start to finish. Ideal for conferences, company celebrations, and large-scale activations that need dedicated half-day documentation with attention to detail.

Max Event Packages

Built for events lasting 10, 12, or 14 hours, these packages provide complete, start-to-finish coverage. Whether it's a major conference, a corporate gala, or an all-day production, we’re there to capture every moment with consistency and quality.